
Dancing for Social & Emotional Learning






mike wamaya
Poverty has a way of disrupting a child's mind while education has the ability to trigger resilience and determination in that child's life

Mike Wamaya, Founder, Project Elimu

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About Us

Project Elimu is a community-driven Non-Profit Organization registered in Kenya providing afterschool Arts/Sports Education as well as a Safe Space to young people in Kibera. Our activities are centred on young people aged 3 to 22, with a focus on playful learning. This enables them to make sense of their surroundings by identifying, comprehending, and designing solutions to the various challenges they face.

More About Us
kibera ballet school


Pupils recieve meals at the center


Girls recieved 2 sanitary towels per month 2022


sanitary towels distributed in 2022


Scholarships Secured in 2022


Pupils in our Skate and Create program


Girls in the She-Can football program


Pupils in our Kibera Ballet School
Kibera ballet School

Kibera ballet School

Ballete DancemusicPainting

Our arts program is non-competitive with an open door policy where every child is given a platform to join regardless of their ability. The children learn ballete dancing, painting, playing music instruments among many other activities

Skate and Create

Skate and Create


Project Elimu partnered with the Skateistan Foundation from Germany in 2021 to offer skateboarding activities to children in Kibera, Kenya.

Smile Bank(Sexual Reproductive Health)

Smile Bank(Sexual Reproductive Health)

Free Sanitary TowelsEducation

The Smile Bank Club is a program under Project Elimu that aims to promote gender equality among boys and girls aged 9 to 18. It focuses on addressing issues such as period poverty by providing access to safe menstrual products, gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy, and the poverty cycle.

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy

Computer LessonsRobotics

Project Elimu has created a program that provides digital literacy training for children between the ages of 7 and 14 who attend informal primary schools and may not have access to the Digital Literacy Programme offered by their schools

She-Can Girls Footbal League

She-Can Girls Footbal League

Football League

The She-Can Football League is a unique and innovative initiative that is making a positive impact on the lives of young girls in Kibera. The league was established to provide a safe and inclusive space for girls to develop their football skills and participate in a team sport that has traditionally been dominated by boys.

Study Support

Study Support


In Kibera, only 40% of children complete their primary and secondary education due to socio-economic challenges. Additionally, most scholarships are awarded to top performers, leaving many others behind.

Food Program

Food Program

Football League

The She-Can Football League is a unique and innovative initiative that is making a positive impact on the lives of young girls in Kibera. The league was established to provide a safe and inclusive space for girls to develop their football skills and participate in a team sport that has traditionally been dominated by boys.

Press Mentions

Our work has been covered by numerous international and local media organizations.

press logopress logopress logopress logopress logopress logopress logopress logopress logo

Our Partners

We have partnered with numerous international organizations that align with our values and goals

KULCZYK Foundation
Move Forward
Gracefull Expresion

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